Now you do not have to memorize the lyrics of a song. All you have to do is buy this item and send us the youtube link or the original mp3 of the song for which you require the karaoke (please include full details like name of singer and movie/ album) via email to
The track will be delivered in MP3 and WMV (i.e. karaoke track with scrolling lyrics) format. If you need it in Wave (Uncompressed) and MP4 Format then please inform us at the time of placing the order.
You can easily play this file on any popular media player like VLC player and Windows Media Player.
We will make each karaoke track for you in 3 - 5 working days.
The rate for a Customized Karaoke is for a standard song with normal duration (4- 6 minutes). If the length of the song is too high or the song is too complicated, we will be charging more for the track.
Once you place your order and send us the original mp3, we will review the song and in case of the above mentioned circumstances, we will inform you about the revised rate for making the track. If you agree to the price mentioned we will go ahead with the order, else refund the original amount paid by you in the form of coupon , which you may use for your future purchases with us. NO cash refund shall be provided.
Kindly note that for all the custom tracks, any rectification can be availed within 15 days from the delivery date of the tracks, after which the client has to bear the rectification charges based on the modifications required.
These charges are for "1" Customized Karaoke track.
The customized karaoke will be delivered at your email address.
The Customized track will be added to our library and will be available to our other customers after 15 days of its delivery. If you require an Exclusive Custom Track, the charges will be different.
Musicians' discretion in the selection of the song will be allowed.
Only Pakistani Movie Songs, Pakistani Album Songs, and PakistaniSingers Songs will be accepted under this category. Songs in any other language apart from Pakistani Movies Albums and singers wont be accepted under this customization.
We do not provide stem files for any karaoke track under this customization, if required please let us know prior and we shall update on additional charges for same.
Click Below to listen to the original song on which the karaoke is based:
Click below to listen to the sample of the karaoke track: